Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Bubbee!!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Sweet Presley
Happy Birthday to you!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Easter morning.....looking through her basket from the Easter Bunny!
Very intrigued
Pointing to her egg
The Family
Presley & Mommy
Here I come mom!
So Excited!
Walking with Daddy....priceless!

Seeing Nana & Poppy
All dressed up!

My favorite photo of the day! She is looking at her daddy.

Resting....collecting eggs is hard work. :)
Watching Daddy play Basketball
Playing with her Easter Eggs

We had a wonderful Easter weekend!! This was Presley second Easter. Wes took the day off Friday and we spent the day together doing family things. This year Presley participated in dying Easter eggs....she only stayed interested the first 10 minutes. We went to church Saturday evening which was great because the weather was beautiful and she was able to wear her Easter dress. I ended up having to hem her dress because she hadn't quite grown into it yet....such a tiny thing. She was quite adorable. On Sunday we went over to my parents house and had a huge brunch and played all day while the boys watched basketball. Presley is now walking all over the place. She is quite good. However, if her foot happens to turn while walking then that would be the direction she is heading in even if she wants to go the other way. It is funny.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Presley News!!

March so far has been a very busy month for Presley!! Below are a list of the highlights. I will try to post some pictures and video soon. Her Birthday is in less than two weeks. It is crazy to think that our little bit is about to turn 1! Wes and I are getting excited about her big day! Both my family and Wes's are planning to get together for a Birthday Party Cookout to celebrate!

Presley News:
1: She has 3 molars that have broken through which brings her tooth count to 11! She is working on her final molar which is currently causing some pain.

2: She is walking!!! It is absolutely adorable. She has been taking steps since the end of Feb. Now she will walk from one thing to the next and just this week she was brave enough to just walk for no reason at all. She typically was doing alot of her walking attempts when there was something insight she wanted.

3: March has been a bang up month for her. She has had her first black eye. More bruises shortly followed the black eye. She is so clumsy when she walks. Wes and I have to keep a really good eye on her. Her black eye actually happened in her crib. She was playing....of course and fell into her aquarium. Poor thing.

4: She loves sucking through a straw. Very talented.

5: She says "All Done" when she is finished eating. Wes and I love it!

6: She tries to brush her hair like mommy.

7: She is down to one nap. This was her choice......not mine. I wanted her to stay at two naps until about mid-summer. But Presley thought differently. Now she naps from about noon until 3:00 or 1 until 4:00.

Did you know:
That Presley will have celebrated two Easters before she is a year old. She celebrated her first Easter a week after she was born. Crazy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Presley & Caroline

I had to post this picture b/c it is too adorable. My friend Lauren and I go walking at least once a week for exercise and good conversation!! Since it has been a little chilly in the mornings we walk the mall. After a few laps we let the girls play. Caroline is showing Presley all the fun stuff she can do at the mall. This is just one of the stopping points that the little girls love. Lauren took a picture of it today and I had to copy it from her blogspot to put on mine because it is adorable! Hopefully these sweethearts will grow to be good friends!

Presley & Caroline

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday to ME!!!

The day has started out wonderful!! Actually it all started on my birthday eve. Last night Wes went ahead and let me open one of my presents!! It was a new PILLOW! Goose down PILLOW! As you can tell I am super excited about this gift. You have to understand that I have been complaining about my sleep and my raggedy pillow since I have been pregnant. So last night's sleep was bliss!! Thanks hubby!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Feeding the Ducks! :)

I have been meaning to post these pictures. A few weeks ago we took Presley to feed the ducks for the first time!! We had a great time. Presley wasn't quite sure whether she wanted to share the bread or keep it for herself to eat. She also wanted to go swimming with the ducks. Several times Wes had to grab her from going forward and taking a plunge in the lake. I tell ya this girl has no fear of animals at all. Enjoy the pics!!!

On a side note: Presley is starting to take steps on her own. She has taken up to 5 steps before squating and she loves to hold our hand and walk. So cute. I will post a video as soon as she is walking. YAY!

Showing her the Duckies!

Daddy helping Presley

Should I eat the bread or feed the ducks? Can I swim with the ducks?
Mommy helping me feed the ducks
Presley of course not paying attention to the camera.