Ok.....so it was about 4am on Thursday morning a week before Christmas when I awoke with some minor back pain. I eventually had to get up and go down stairs to try and
relieve the pain I was feeling. Well....lets just say it never subsided. By the time 6am rolled around I was bent over in pain. Thankfully I had a doctors appointment scheduled that morning at 8:45am. Wes ended up driving me to my appointment with Presley because there was no way I was going to make it by myself. I think this appointment was the quickest I have ever been worked up and sent back to see the doctors. The doctor wanted to admit me to the hospital to monitor the baby and have a ultrasound of my kidney. By this time I was well aware that what I was dealing with was a kidney stone.
I was admitted into the maternity ward and set up on all monitors to make sure Miss
Rylee was never in distress. I usually think I can tolerate pain pretty well but this was absolutely awful. I have never been in so much pain to the point of getting sick.....and that day it happened.
Wes was wonderful....once he realized I was going to be there for awhile he called one of our dearest friends to watch Presley. She was more than happy to take her off our hands for the day. Thanks Andrea!! Wes didn't want to leave me by myself so we called my mom and she was there within 15-20 minutes. Since this was the last day before Wes was off for Christmas he had several appointments lined up that I didn't want him to cancel. I thought they would probably release me around noon with pain medication so mom can sit with me until then. After my sweet hubby left the pain became even more
intolerable....and what we thought would a quick
assessment and a
prescription for pain medication became an all day affair.
It ended up that my kidney was swollen and blocked by the stone so the only option was for them to go up there and get the stone. The doctor went over the procedure and once he was finished I asked "Will I be asleep for this?" to which he replied "yes" and my immediate response was "lets do this now!!" To be knocked out and not feel the pain was music to my ears. The OB nurse would monitor Miss
Rylee the entire time.
After the procedure was completed I felt amazing. The doctor ended up putting a stint in my kidney because of how swollen it was. He was concerned that it may swell shut and cause more problems. At the time I didn't care....just having some relief was awesome.
Well....it didn't take too long before I began to hate that dreaded stint. I was scheduled on Tuesday to have it removed. That is 5 1/2 days of awfulness. My body slowly began to reject the stint to which I felt as though I had the flu. Plus normal activities where painful now. I was so bummed. Here it was the week before Christmas and I was stuck lying around feeling awful.
Luckily my loving and devoted husband jumped in for the rescue. He was a total Mr. Mom. Taking care of everything with Presley, the house, final Christmas errands etc. I don't know what I would have done without him. I was unable to pick Presley up, get on the floor and change her, or much less walk around. I couldn't have asked for a better friend and loved one to watch over me the way he did. I love you buddy!!
Finally relief of Tuesday the day before Christmas eve. Let me tell you....I walked into the office in pain and feeling like I had the flu and walked out of the office almost skipping. That is how much relief I felt after having the stint removed. It wasn't until about Christmas day until I felt more like myself but at least the ordeal was over with.
Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I love the Christmas lights, family, traditions, baking, gifts....just about everything. This year was tough for me because I felt as though my normal Christmas routine was rudely interrupted. The silver lining was that I never felt more loved than I did that week by friends and family who supported me through it all. Even Presley would kiss my hand and say "All better Mommy."
Thanks to all who helped me through this ordeal. And a very special thanks to Wesley who provided more support and love than I could have ever imagined. Also to my mom....you were a trooper that day at the hospital and I couldn't have done it without you.