Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Presley's 1st Snow!!

We had a blast today out in the snow. Presley was a little unsure at first but after testing it out she was good to go. The only problem we had was keeping her warm. We had her completely bundled. Two shirts, two jackets, a hat and two hoods covering her head, two pants, two pairs of socks, two pairs of gloves and shoes. It was as if she jumped right out of "The Christmas Story" expect her arms could rest by her side. Haha. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time as a family. Presley really loved the snow. This afternoon we went on a walk and she attempted making a snow angel with daddy. What a great day!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Bye Bye Crib
Ok....so I think lastnight was harder on me than it was on Presley. We finally made the transition from a crib to a big girl bed!! Presley did great and LOVED the bed. She had to make sure it was jump worthy....even though we have told her numerous times to not jump on the bed.
Her bedtime routine went as normal lastnight except for the fact that she was going down in her new bed. She did great!! We had to go back in the room twice to cover her up and tell her it was "night, night" but that was it. This is something we had to do in the crib as well. It started about 3 weeks ago. Must be a phase. Anyways, she did awesome. But in all honesty I was ready to take the bed back as quick as we put it together and laid her in it. I love watching her grow but my heart ached at knowing I wasn't going to see her piering over her crib anymore.
She woke up this morning like a champ and remained in bed until we came in to get her. Below are a few photos of the entire transition. We still have work to do on her room....I want to paint it a different color and add some different wall art.
The next step in our little girls life has begun. She makes us so proud!!

Presley trying out her new bed!!!

Making sure it was jump worthy

This is how we found her before we went to bed lastnight

She did it!! We walked in this morning to find our little girl happy and well rested!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Presley's Big Girl Bed
Wes and I have been talking since the Fall about transitioning Presley into her "BIG GIRL" bed a few months before Miss Rylee arrives to give her time to adjust without feeling bumped. Today Wes and I purchased the next step. ;) I love the bed. I am a little nervous about how she will do with the transition. I think she will be excited but I am not quite sure if our active little explorer will stay put long enough to fall asleep. Lets keep our fingers crossed. We will be picking up her bed either the beginning of next week or once we return from New Jersey. Below is a stock photo of her bed. We also purchased a trundle for her future sleep overs. hehe!! I can't wait....but at the same time I can. She is growing up so fast. My baby girl is becoming a sweet little girl. Time flies.

This is a photo of P's bed without the trundle. We decided to only purchase the bed and trundle for now. We will add more pieces to her room as needed....but I want to be a little more creative with those. I think it would be cute to have additional pieces added to the room that may be a different color to make her room unique. (like a pink nightstand) Pottery Barn Kids has alot of great ideas that I will have to keep in mind for the future. :)
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