Rylee with my mom at the beach

Presley giving me a BIG hug!!
I can't believe that my baby is already 5 months old. Time has truelly flown by. She is starting to tuck her knees up under her body and can scoot pretty good. No crawling yet.....but I am thinking it will be in the near future. In the meantime she rolls everywhere. It is hilarious. She rolls all over the place. She LOVES playing with Presley. They are adorable together. Presley has really embraced being a big sister. She is soooo attentative to Rylee which Rylee loves!!
We have also started feeding Rylee rice cereal and applesauce. This is a funny sight. She loves it. We are also starting to give her more bottles and I am only nursing her 2 sometimes 3 times a day. I think she will be completely on the bottle by 6 months. I have truelly enjoyed nursing Rylee. It is a special time for me and her and I will be sad to see it go.
Other than that we are all hanging in there. Staying busy! O....before I forget....Miss Presley is almost fully potty trained!! YAY! We have been working on it hard for about 1 1/2 weeks. I am so proud of her. What a big girl she is becoming. She will be starting Preschool on Sept 1st. I can't believe my big girl will be going to preschool. Time flies!
I hope everyone has had an amazing summer so far!!