Sunday, December 19, 2010

I think it is about time for an update!!!

Ok Ok I know what you are thinking...where are all my blog posts?!?! Well life has been kinda busy these last few months. Easton arrived October 7th and life with 3 has kept me hopping. I can't believe it is already Christmas. We are just days away and I can't believe how fast time has flown by since Easton's arrival.
Easton is a great baby!! He was born 15 days early at a whopping 8lbs 13oz. He is a wonderful addition and both Presley and Rylee adore him. I love being a family of 5 and at times I feel content but then there are moments of wondering what it would be like to be a family of 6. hehe. Enjoy this picture of my 3 beautiful blessings. :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time-out was introduced to Miss Rylee

As much as I didn't think my heart was ready for it I put Miss Rylee my 18 month old in time-out for the first time yesterday. It was a snap decision I made and as much as I thought I was going to regret it and/or was going to be in for a battle with keeping her on the time-out step....she completely obeyed and it actually helped her calm down! Score. Rylee is a very passionate little girl and when she is committed to something she goes down with a fight and yesterday afternoon was my breaking point with battling one of her outbursts. So to time-out we went and she stayed there for the full minute. I was sooo proud of her. What a big girl she is becoming. Don't get me wrong she is a wonderful child and pretty much our family comedian. She hardly ever gets upset and loves greeting everyone with her toothy smile but when she does fall off her cliff of happiness she falls hard. lol. Rylee's a BIG girl now!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer 2010

Daddy and his girls eating ice cream
They play so well together
Saying CHEESE!
My sweet Rylee

Our Summer has been a busy one. From beach vacations, pool trips, birthday parties, and pretty much having every weekend packed with something we have had a great summer. Presley will be starting preschool soon! September 8th is her first day and she is sooo excited. We are patiently waiting for her teacher assignment to arrive. The planner in me does not like how long they wait to send out these assignments. Presley will be going 3 days a week this year MWF from 9-12. I am excited for her. She learned soooo much last year that I can't wait to see what she discovers and learns this year.

Rylee will be staying home with me which will be nice. It will give her and I 3 mornings a week to spend some one on one time together before Easton arrives in October. I am thinking I will take her to the park, walk around the lake and take her out for ice cream on these mornings....because I know after Easton arrives getting out will not be on the top of my list for sometime.

It is really crazy for me to think that I am already 30 1/2 weeks along with Easton. I am so ready to put a face with his name. Since I found out I was pregnant I have been praying over his delivery. I have to say I am nervous about it since Rylee was 8lbs 13oz and I had trouble delivering her which ended up in resulting in a little shoulder dystocia. I know that this is totally in the Lord's hands but I just pray he gives us wisdom when it comes time for delivery in regards to a c-section if he is looking large and/or putting faith in a natural delivery. I don't know if I would be as obsessed with this situation if my brother Stephen hadn't gone through the same thing as Rylee but his delivery was much more severe resulting in Erb's palsy (nerve damage to his shoulder and arm). I know that my pregnancy and Easton is in the Lord's hands and he has a plan for this delivery already and a plan for Easton's life. I just pray for strength no matter which direction the delivery goes. On a lighter note....I could not be more ready to meet our son. To hold him and feel his touch to mine. The girls are sooo ready to meet him. Presley randomly hugs my belly and says "I love you Easton Michael"!!

Wes is doing wonderful!! He has been promoted to Managing Partner and I am sooo proud of him. He has worked sooo hard over the past 2 years and I am so happy about where his job is heading. The Lord is faithful and we give him all the glory and praise for where Wes's job is currently and where it is heading. Besides work Wes is staying pretty busy with my "to do lists" and the girls constantly wanting him to play games such as "tick tock", "hide n seek", and "chase". Our girls absolutely adore him and look forward to him coming home everyday. He is a terrific daddy and I have know doubt that he is setting a wonderful example for our girls. He is honorable, trustworthy, loving, funny/goofy, easy going, honest and most importantly has a heart for the Lord. He is a wonderful man and I am blessed to be on this journey with him. :)

Well that is all for now!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


The Family!
Playing in the sand
seriously...this is what she did all day. Roll in the sand. What a sand crab!

My little cutie
What a wonderful week it has been!! Our beach family vacation started this past Sunday and we are down to our last day!!!! The girls have absolutely LOVED it. We have gone out for ice cream, visited the aquarium and basically lived on the beach. Presley has loved building castles and holes and going swimming with her daddy and uncles. Rylee on the other hand has been a kamikaze darting for the ocean every chance she gets. She has no fear of the ocean. She also has a huge desire to be the ultimate sand crab. The sand does not bother her in the least. It is quite hilarious to watch her roll...yes roll in the sand.
I have been feeling great....however, wearing a maternity bathing suit is not my favorite. Wes and I have realized that a "family vacation" is very different than a "couple vacation." The down time we were wanting is not happening. However, we have thoroughly enjoyed our little girls and watching them light up everyday as the run out to the beach.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flying Mommy and Rylee

So yesterday afternoon was eventful. Rylee has been dealing with a really bad diaper rash. I can't quite tell if it is from teething or maybe another ear infection. Anyway after waking up for her nap I was letting her run around upstairs without her diaper to let the rash air out. At some point she decided that she was thirsty and found her water. My first thought was to put a diaper on my child before she pottys on the floor. So I scooped her up and headed for her room. Well....apparently the girls had gotten all the toys out of Rylee's closest and one of them being the ball popper machine. I didn't even see it when I entered the doorway of her room. I somehow managed to place my foot in between the machine and went flying across the room with Rylee in my arms and the dang toy still attached to my foot. Within 3 seconds I thought "don't let go of the baby, don't fall on my baby and somehow I have got to stop myself from propelling into the window across the room. So when the foot without the toy found a little baring I threw my knee down in hopes to just fall on it and stop. O but no....we had picked up so much speed from falling that I was now skidding on my knee across the room. Can we say carpet burn!!! Finally I had to let one of my hands let go of Rylee in attempts to catch the upper half of my body before I came tumbling down on my belly. Well it worked but when my hand left Rylee's head her head flung back and hit a farmhouse toy. She was not happy in the slightest. For the price of one sweet carpet burn Rylee and baby are ok. Looking back it was really hilarious. My foot got caught in the weirdest way imaginable. What an afternoon!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sweet Blessings!

My life is nothing short of a blessing. I am reminded of God's love daily through the innocence of my sweet girls, my son growing inside of me, my husband who unconditionally loves me and our kids and leads our home focused on God's purpose for us, and my mom who gives of herself ALWAYS and without question. I am so blessed....thank you Lord for my family and for the life you have given me to live. Enjoy the pictures below
Our Son
16 weeks 5 days

16 weeks 5 days

Mother's Day 2010
Rylee and I laughing

Blowing bubbles with my girls
Presley making Nana's Mothers Day gift!
My mom and me!! :)
Presley helping with Mothers Day Brunch. See her potted fern in the background!
Rylee's Dedication
Rylee & Daddy
Standing up with all the other families who were dedicating their child/children
Rylee & Nana
Presley & Mommy
The dedication service was a commitment for parents to raise their children to know and love the Lord.
Quick picture before the celebration began
Presley was so excited for Rylee
Quick pic with mommy
Fishing with daddy
Too cute
Presley and her daddy

Waiting patiently for the fish to bite
Morning at the park
Presley wanted Rylee to ride this elephant sooo bad
Rylee and her runny nose....hurry up teeth!!
My sweet Rylee boo
Presley looks like a pro tennis player to me. ;)
Presley being such a WONDERFUL big sister. Ignore Rylee's shoes. She falls all the time that I have to put sneakers on with almost everything.
A sweet moment

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Presley's 3yr and Rylee's 1yr pictures

These pictures were taken back in March. I know I am a little behind. But raising 2 kids, being pregnant, house remodeling, birthdays, Easter and Wes being out of town twice for weeks at a time has kinda made things slightly crazy. But in a very good way. God had continued to provide for us and we feel blessed to serve him. :) Enjoy the photos! On a side note this photoshoot was take less than 24hrs before Presley came down with the stomach flu. I was wondering why she was a little "off" during the pictures. She wasn't into participating like usual. answer came a few hours later when my parents called to let me know that Presley had gotten sick all over my dad. Poor girl....and poor Papa! ;) Her virus was the start of a virus spreading throughout our entire family for a full week. It was NO fun.