Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Flying Mommy and Rylee
So yesterday afternoon was eventful. Rylee has been dealing with a really bad diaper rash. I can't quite tell if it is from teething or maybe another ear infection. Anyway after waking up for her nap I was letting her run around upstairs without her diaper to let the rash air out. At some point she decided that she was thirsty and found her water. My first thought was to put a diaper on my child before she pottys on the floor. So I scooped her up and headed for her room. Well....apparently the girls had gotten all the toys out of Rylee's closest and one of them being the ball popper machine. I didn't even see it when I entered the doorway of her room. I somehow managed to place my foot in between the machine and went flying across the room with Rylee in my arms and the dang toy still attached to my foot. Within 3 seconds I thought "don't let go of the baby, don't fall on my baby and somehow I have got to stop myself from propelling into the window across the room. So when the foot without the toy found a little baring I threw my knee down in hopes to just fall on it and stop. O but no....we had picked up so much speed from falling that I was now skidding on my knee across the room. Can we say carpet burn!!! Finally I had to let one of my hands let go of Rylee in attempts to catch the upper half of my body before I came tumbling down on my belly. Well it worked but when my hand left Rylee's head her head flung back and hit a farmhouse toy. She was not happy in the slightest. For the price of one sweet carpet burn Rylee and baby are ok. Looking back it was really hilarious. My foot got caught in the weirdest way imaginable. What an afternoon!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sweet Blessings!
My life is nothing short of a blessing. I am reminded of God's love daily through the innocence of my sweet girls, my son growing inside of me, my husband who unconditionally loves me and our kids and leads our home focused on God's purpose for us, and my mom who gives of herself ALWAYS and without question. I am so blessed....thank you Lord for my family and for the life you have given me to live. Enjoy the pictures below
Our Son
Mother's Day 2010
Rylee's Dedication
Rylee & Daddy
Standing up with all the other families who were dedicating their child/children
Rylee & Nana
Presley & Mommy
The dedication service was a commitment for parents to raise their children to know and love the Lord.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Presley's 3yr and Rylee's 1yr pictures
These pictures were taken back in March. I know I am a little behind. But raising 2 kids, being pregnant, house remodeling, birthdays, Easter and Wes being out of town twice for weeks at a time has kinda made things slightly crazy. But in a very good way. God had continued to provide for us and we feel blessed to serve him. :) Enjoy the photos! On a side note this photoshoot was take less than 24hrs before Presley came down with the stomach flu. I was wondering why she was a little "off" during the pictures. She wasn't into participating like usual. Well.....my answer came a few hours later when my parents called to let me know that Presley had gotten sick all over my dad. Poor girl....and poor Papa! ;) Her virus was the start of a virus spreading throughout our entire family for a full week. It was NO fun. 

One for Wes's corner!
That's right if you haven't heard already....which I am sure you have by now we are expecting a little BOY!!! That is one for Wes's corner. I was beginning to like the idea of completely outnumbering my husband. haha. We are beyond thrilled to be expecting our first boy! God is sooo good. He is blessing and trusting us to raise another life. I just am so grateful. Our son was beautiful as always I could have starred at the monitor for hours. Wes was out of town when I found out so I had put two envelopes in his suitcase labeled #1 and #2. Upon finding out I told him to open card #1 which announced that he was going to have a son!! It was a really sweet moment. I was able to find out early since the ultrasound technician was a friend of the family. She was more than happy to do us a favor. We will have our official ultrasound on June 2nd. At this visit Wes will get to see our son for the first time. I am so excited to see him again.
We are currently praying, discussing and narrowing down a name for our little boy. We have 4 or 5 we are considering. Hopefully within a few weeks he will have a name! It has been harder for us this go around to narrow down our names. In my opinion girls are so much easier to name. :)
I am currently 17 weeks 4 days and my belly is growing like a weed. I am always munching and with this little guy I don't crave anything healthy. HAHA! Good thing I try and go to the gym. ;)
Presley is thrilled to be having a baby brother. I think she is just super excited about another baby coming into our home. She adores Rylee and Rylee definitely thinks Presley is the best thing ever. With Rylee being 14 1/2 months I don't think she is too aware of what is going on but in a few months she will have a good idea when she realizes that her brother is here to stay. I am hoping she will adjust to the transition well as she is a mama's girl. :)
We are currently praying, discussing and narrowing down a name for our little boy. We have 4 or 5 we are considering. Hopefully within a few weeks he will have a name! It has been harder for us this go around to narrow down our names. In my opinion girls are so much easier to name. :)
I am currently 17 weeks 4 days and my belly is growing like a weed. I am always munching and with this little guy I don't crave anything healthy. HAHA! Good thing I try and go to the gym. ;)
Presley is thrilled to be having a baby brother. I think she is just super excited about another baby coming into our home. She adores Rylee and Rylee definitely thinks Presley is the best thing ever. With Rylee being 14 1/2 months I don't think she is too aware of what is going on but in a few months she will have a good idea when she realizes that her brother is here to stay. I am hoping she will adjust to the transition well as she is a mama's girl. :)
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