Presley and I are on our own this week. Wes left Sunday afternoon for Illinois for a training session with his new job. I find that my anxiety is higher when Wes flies alone. Ever since we had Presley I tend to be a little more nervous about him flying. If I was flying with him I don't think my anxiety would be as bad. It's interesting.
Wes will be home Thursday afternoon. Can't wait!!! But, until then Presley and I have been chalking this week up to a total girls week! YAY! Nana (my mom) has been coming over to visit in the evenings to keep me company and to play with Miss Presley. It is nice to have my mom right down the road because without Wes the house would be too quiet at night once Presley has gone down.
I am also working on a secret project for Wesley. I can't blab to much right now incase he reads the blog before he returns. I am so excited. I only hope that I can finish what I started before he returns.
Cheers to a week with the girls!! :)
Awww! I'm sure you guys will have a blast on your Girl's Week! Make sure to take some cute pictures. Good Luck on your project - I want to know what it is ;)
I also fear Tim flying now that we have a little one. I find myself worrying much more for him. Isn't that weird?
Hello my friend. I miss you! I can't believe how big Presley is getting... wow!
You will have to let me know about this project. Does it include thread??
Love ya!
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