Being that this is my first post in 2010 can say alot. We have been busy. I have blinked and January and February have flown by. Where does time go?
I was thinking today about Rylee's 1st Birthday next week and I am having a hard time believing that she is turning one in exactly one week. Crazy how fast it has gone by. She is an absolute delight and completely steals my heart with her smiles. My little cuddle bug. She has to be one of the funniest kiddos. She will definitely be our little comedian. Always up for a laugh. ;) She has changed so much in the last two months. Teeth are coming in constantly, her hair is growing FINALLY, and now she is attempting to run....which is too cute. I don't know if I mentioned it before but she start walking at 9 1/2 months. A busy girl. She is saying Dada constantly, byebye, u-oh, tank-u (thank you), dAdE (daisy).
Presley is doing great. Thriving in preschool. She absolutely LOVES her class and friends. She loves to show me what she made. Her favorite things at preschool are music, snack and playground. :) Her vocabulary is that of a 5 year old. She has become my little buddy and I adore her so. Her heart is as sweet as the come always wanting the best for someone else. She already cares so deeply for people and animals. I can't wait to see what a beautiful lady she turns into. :)
March is going to be a crazy month. However, I am ready for Spring weather.
I can't believe Rylee will be a year already! Time has flown! Miss seeing ya'll!
Hi Stacey! So glad you updated your blog! The girls are growing so fast! They are both absolutely beautiful! Stace, you are such an amazing mother. I am sure I will have lots of mom questions for you when Isaac arrives! Your bday is next week too, isn't it? Have a blessed day!
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