Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Listen to me!!

She knows she is being videotaped that is why the book is in front of her She has this book memorized. :)

Presley reading her favorite!! Her "All The Time" book!! However, she gets a little distracted in the middle of reading.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Presley's 2 year update

She is jumping and singing at the same time!! She was singing Twinkle, Twinkle. I think I have a video of it that I can post
Loves to swing
Smiling before take off.
Look at those sweet eyes!!
She is singing in this photo as well. The girl loves to sing.
Strutting her stuff

It has been awhile since I have updated everyone on Presley's new happenings!! She has become quite the character. Wes and I are so in love with her. She is such a delight. She adores Rylee. What a great big sister she is. Below is a brief update of our little chatter box!

- Presley weighed only 25 pounds at her two year appointment
- She still doesn't like the doctors...however, she loves to pick out her sticker and sucker afterwards.
- Sings ALL the time!! This is her favorite thing to do. She is her own best friend.
- Has been able to say her ABC's since late January. (22 months)
- Talks in full sentences
- Can respond to our questions with a "no" or "yes" and sometimes she responds with her own thoughts about our questions.
- She is a great negotiator. Saying "Not yet Mommy" "Maybe later" "One more minute pleeeeeeaaaaase"
- She can recite books by heart. Her favorites are "I love you all the time" and "Goodnight Moon"
- Knows her colors and shapes
- Knows her animals and their sounds
- Still takes one nap. Sleeps from about 1:45 - 4:00
- Loves the outdoors
- She is a tomboy...but very girly at the same time.
- LOVES Dora, Deigo, & Backyardigans
- Speaks spanish and know what it means in English!! It is crazy
- Counts to 10 and then tries to count higher but sometimes skips a few numbers.
- Sings "Lord we thank you" for her blessing before all meals
- Loves Sunday school and can tell us what she learned/sang that day....again the girl loves to sing.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rylee's 8 weeks old

Rylee is 8 weeks old!!

Rylee at 8 weeks
tummy timehanging out in her swing
She is so happy!
Sweet girl!

It is hard to believe that Rylee is just over 8 weeks old. Below is a brief update on where Rylee is at 8 weeks.

-She is a charmer. Loves to smile and coo. All we have to do is start talking to her and she lights up.
- Not sleeping through the night yet. Goes down around 9 and wakes up between 2:30 and 3 to feed then she is out until about 6 for a feeding. Hopefully the middle of the night feeding will be knocked out soon
- Her pacey soothes her which is completely different from Presley.
- She loves bathtime and her big sister
- Is starting to have really good head control. We are working on your neck strength alot with tummy time
- Ry is starting to become coordinated with her hands. They are definitely finding her mouth. If we put something in her hand she will grasp well.
- She LOVES ceiling fans...even when they aren't on. It is hilarious.
- She definitely naps 3-4 times a day. They are starting to become consistent/predictable.
- Working on getting her to nap in her crib.
- Loves her swing and enjoys napping in it
- We moved her from the bassinet at 6 weeks although she would make it back to our bed after one of her night feedings.
- She stayed in her crib all night starting at 8 weeks. I just couldn't let go of her sleeping with me.
- She is getting so big...she is wearing mostly 0-3 months and some 3 month clothing. I was able to get her in a newborn outfit yesterday
- Rylee loves the boujorn

All in all she is a true delight. Her 2 month check-up is soon. I will let everyone know how much she weighs. I am thinking 11 or 12 pounds.