Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time-out was introduced to Miss Rylee

As much as I didn't think my heart was ready for it I put Miss Rylee my 18 month old in time-out for the first time yesterday. It was a snap decision I made and as much as I thought I was going to regret it and/or was going to be in for a battle with keeping her on the time-out step....she completely obeyed and it actually helped her calm down! Score. Rylee is a very passionate little girl and when she is committed to something she goes down with a fight and yesterday afternoon was my breaking point with battling one of her outbursts. So to time-out we went and she stayed there for the full minute. I was sooo proud of her. What a big girl she is becoming. Don't get me wrong she is a wonderful child and pretty much our family comedian. She hardly ever gets upset and loves greeting everyone with her toothy smile but when she does fall off her cliff of happiness she falls hard. lol. Rylee's a BIG girl now!

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